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PD Dr. Simone Heilgendorff is a German musicologist, accomplished violist and music curator, studied musicology, philosophy, and psychology (habilitation Univ. of Salzburg/Austria 2019; Dr. phil., Humboldt University Berlin/Germany 2002) as well as Viola (Master of Music, Univ. of Michigan Ann Arbor/USA 1991) in Freiburg, Zurich, Ann Arbor, and Berlin.

She is currently adjunct faculty of the Sounds Studies program at the University of the Arts in Berlin (Germany) and from 2014 to 2019 was head of the program area “ConTempOhr. Mediating Contemporary Music” at the Focus Area Science and Art of the University of Salzburg and the University Mozarteum Salzburg (Austria).

Since 1993 she has been teaching in several colleges and universities with an emphasis on the mediation of scholarly and artistic practice. From 2013 to 2016 she was head of the international FWF research project „New Music Festivals as Agorai: Their Formation and Impact on Warsaw Autumn, Festival d'Automne in Paris, and Wien Modern Since 1980" at the University of Salzburg. From 2007 to 2013 she was Professor of Applied Musicology and head of the Department of Musicology with its study program in Applied Musicology at Klagenfurt University (Austria).

As a violist, she is a founding member of the Berlin based Kairos Quartet, which specializes in contemporary (art) music.

Her research interests as well as her publications are centered on music of our time and of the Baroque period, musical analysis, and performance studies with close links to cultural studies and artistic research.

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