Mediation for me (along with Antoine Hennion and Georgina Born) is a very broad term encompassing all kinds of interactions in human life. In music this also would include the advertisement of events, the performances themselves, and not only the typical educational parts such as composers talks, pre-concert introductions etc.
During the last ca. 20years I have executed ca. 40 mediation workshops in contemporary music practice with invited acclaimed guests and myself, for interested lay(wo)men, musicians, pedagogues, music teachers. In addition I have pursued workshops on contemporary music topics – particularly on perfromance practiece and extended playing techniques – with my quartet, which we delivered at universities and festivals in Berlin, China, Mexico, Norway, Poland, and Switzerland.
I am convinced that the strongest impact of mediation can be triggered by practical musical activities, which can be pursued for lay persons as well as professionals in music and other field. My personal highlight was the workshop "Hören ohne Sehen" (Listening without seeing) at the Dialoge Festival Salzburg (Austria) in November 2016. The exploration of a pitch dark space (the small studio at the Univ. Mozarteum) through sound and the getting to know each other only through sound was the topic. I, as the leader of the workshop, had support by two blind guides, the composer and sound artist Marco Döttlinger, next to my student assistants, an intense experience with almost 40 participants of many backgrounds ...