Lectures, Presentations
5-28 (39) Faculty of Music, Univ. of Cambridge (UK): Becoming Klangforum Wien: An Inside Perspective, RMA (Royal Music Association) Study Day "The Classical Musician in the 21st Century" (selected)
11-3 (38) Conservatory of Music Shanghai, Department of Music Theory (China): Resonance: Tonal dimensions of microtonal composition, exemplified with music by Georg Friedrich Haas (selected)
7-7 (37) Unviersity of Music and Theatre Hamburg (D): Zwischen Podium und Publikum: Gender-Proportionen in der zeitgenössischen (Kunst-)Musik am Beispiel einer Publikums-Studie beim Festival d’Automne, Warszawska Jesień und Wien Modern 2014, together with Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring), conference "Körper, Konzepte, Kanon, Konstruktionen: Sex und Gender im Neue-Musik-Diskurs von der Gegenwart bis zu den 1950er Jahren" (July 6 to 8, invited)
2-24 (36) University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (A): Zeitgenössische (Kunst-)Musik in der kreativen Stadt, Impuls-Vortrag bei der Jahrestagung der Plattform Musikvermittlung Österreich (PMÖ) (invited)
4-28 (35) Columbia University, New York City (USA), Department of Music, Dodge Hall, R. 607 „Performing and Listening to Contemporary (Art) Music“
3-10 and 3/11 (34) Univ. of Salzburg (A), Mozarteum Foundation, Wiener Saal: Planning and Organisation of the international und interdisciplinary conference “European New Music Festivals as Agorai: Music, Creativity, Politics and History“ (with Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring, Luis Velasco-Pufleau and Monika Żyła), Chair of several sessions and panel discussions, lecture “What we encountered: Some remarks on methodologies, open questions and results of the FWF project “New Music Festivals as Agorai”“ (March 10)
11-22 (33) MICA Wien (A), Festivals Neuer Musik in Metropolen: Was tut und wer ist ihr Publikum? Presentation and panel discussion on the audience surveys conducted by the FWF project „New Music Festivals as Agorai...“ in Warsaw, Vienna and Paris during the fall 2014 (event of the project, in coop. with MICA and Wien Modern)
9-30 (32) University of Ljubljana (SLO) Warsaw Autumn, Wien Modern, and Festival d’Automne à Paris after the year 2000 in a comparative perspective: European or national forums for contemporary (art) music and culture?, lecture (selected), International conference „Between Universal and Local: From Modernism to Postmodernism”
11-19 (31) Université Sorbonne (Paris, France), “Contemporary Music at today’s festivals” (preliminary title), lecture (invited), Department of Musicology
9-17 (30) Chopin Institute, Radziejowice (PL), “New Music Festivals as objects of musical historiography – International perspectives on Warsaw Autumn, Wien Modern, and, Festival d’Automne à Paris”, session panel (selected, together with Luis Vealsco-Pufleau and Monika Żyła), yearly international conference of the Chopin Institute Warsaw
7-18 (29) University of Cambridge (UK), “New Music Festivals as laboratory of musical creativity: a comparative perspective on Warsaw Autumn, Festival d’Automne in Paris, and Wien Modern”, lecture (selected, together with Luis Velasco-Pufleau), conference: CMPCP Performance Studies Network third international conference
5-24 (28) University of Basle (Switzerland), lecture (invited) “Resonance: Tonal dimensions of microtonal composition, exemplified with music by Georg Friedrich Haas”, conference: “Tonality after 1950”
5-27 (27) University of Salzburg (Austria), lecture (invited) “John Cage und Dieter Schnebel”, in the lecture series “History of Music after 1950” offered by v. Prof. Dr. Nils Grosch
5-17 (26) Hamburger Kunsthalle (D), lecture (invited) and round table discussion about Alberto Giacometti and Giorgio Netti, Xiaoyong Chen, Roman Haubenstock-Ramati, and Julio Estrada (as part of a moderated concert at the Giacometti exhibition)
4-26 (25) University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Austria), „Il Vuoto“: Musik an der Schwelle. ) place
von Giorgio Netti, as part of the interdisciplinary lecture series “Ratio und Intuition. Wissen|s|kulturen und Geschlecht in Musik Theater Film“ (invited)
1-21 (24) University of the Arts, Institute of Aesthetics, Graz (Austria) moderation of a panel on Giacinto Scelsi, International conference “Giacinto Scelsi today” (invited)
5-9 (23) University of California Santa Cruz (CA, USA), Department of Musicology, lecture (invited) on John Cage
4-21 (22) Bard College, John Cage Trust (Allendale upon Hudson, NY/USA), workshop (invited) on music by John Cage
4-19 (21) Boston University (Boston/USA) Composers Forum, lecture and workshop (invited) on recent tendencies in contemporary string quartets
4-6 (20) Ljubljana Festival (Slovenia), lecture (invited) Mahler as Musical Ambassador between the US and Europe, International conference “Mahler and the Fin de Siècle”
3-25 (19) Mozarteum University and Biennale Salzburg, lecture (invited), internat. conference “Arbeit am musikalischen Werk. Zur Dynamik künstlerischen Handelns”
10-20 (18) Universitá di Udine (Italy), Department of Musicology, lecture (invited) Contemporary Art Music Participating in Popular Culture. The Interaction of Two Spheres, Illustrated with Music by John Cage, International conference and performances „Generazioni elletroniche“ Gorizia (Italy)
5-6/7 (17) University di Ljubljana, Institut für Musikwissenschaft, lecture (invited) A House like a “Musical Instrument”. Impulses of the Not Built Performative Architectural Project of the “Contemporary Opera Berlin” and the Architectural Office “GKK” in Berlin 2001, International conference „Music and its Referential Systems”
1-19 (16) Vienna (Austria): lecture (invited) Neue Musik als populäre Kultur? Zur Interaktion zweier Sphären am Beispiel von John Cage, lecture series “Musikspektrum“ of the ÖGM (Austrian Society of Musicology)
11-27 (15) Graz (Austria): Panel participant (invited) at the public conference STADT KULTUR HÖREN Perspektiven und Chancen der Musikvermittlung im urbanen Kontext (conference of Grazer Spielstätten GmbH and the German network for music mediation “netzwerk junge ohren”
9-4 (14) Bielefeld (Germany): lecture (invited) "Energetische Präsenz" im Streichquartett ) place ( (2001) von Giorgio Netti at the interdisciplinary conference “Konstruktion und Vollzug. Zur Präzision des ästhetischen Verstehens” at the „Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung”, Bielefeld University
5-8 (13) Klagenfurt (Austria): lecture (invited) Erfahrung stiller Musik: zu Morton Feldmans Untitled Composition at the interdisciplinary conference “Das Subjekt in der Kunst” (Institute of Culture, Literature, and Music, Klagenfurt University)
11-25 (12) Stuttgart (Germany): Neue Gewebe. Über Grenzgebiete des Formbaren, Hörbaren und Notierbaren in der Musik der letzten Jahrzehnte (invited speaker ) in the series of concerts and talks “Was bleibt? 100 Jahre Neue Musik” University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart
9-30 (11) Leipzig (Germany): lecture (selected) Ein eigenes Haus für die zeitgenössische Musik: Impulse des bislang nicht gebauten performativen Architektur-Projekts der „Zeitgenössischen Oper“ und des Architektur-Büros Gewers Kühn und Kühn in Berlin 2001, International Conference of the German Society of Musicology
9-29 (10) Schwerte/Ruhr (Germany): lecture (invited) Glossolalische Stimmen: Politisches Ethos, Selbsterfahrung und Spiel in Schnebels Glossolalie-Kompositionen, International conference “1968: Musik und gesellschaftlicher Protest” in the “katholische Akademie” Schwerte/Ruhr
Nov. (9) Berlin (Germany): Panel participant (invited) at the conference Finnische Liedkomposition im 20. Jhdt.im Kontext europäischer Moderne. 1st International Symposion of the LYAS Research Project from the “Finnische Akademie, Finnland Institut in Deutschland”
Sept. (8) Weimar (Germany): Das experimentelle Musiktheater von John Cage und Dieter Schnebel als Spiegel kultureller Identitäten, lecture at the International Conference of the German Society of Music Research on the general topic “Musik und kulturelle Identität”
Jan. (7) Berlin (Germany): Alte Musik. Ein Bericht über die Vermittelbarkeit der historisierenden Aufführungspraxis im Hochschulbetrieb, lecture at the University of the Arts.
May (6) Berlin (Germany): Im kollektiven Prozess zur individuellen Klanggestalt. Über die Erarbeitung der Streichquartette No One (1995) von Isabel Mundry und Thirty Pieces (1983) von John Cage, lecture given at the Symposium “Individualität in der Musik“, University of the Arts
Dec. 13 (5) Berlin (Germany), Humboldt-Univ. zu Berlin, Inst. for Cultural Studies, Sem. f. Musicology, lecture Eine unheroische Schlacht: Heinrich Ignaz Franz Bibers Battalia (1673) als außergewöhnliche programmatische Instrumental-Komposition ihrer Zeit, defense
Jan. (4) Berlin (Germany): lecture (invited) Luciano Berios Sequenza VI (for Viola solo), lecture given in cooperation with U. Scheideler (music theorist, Schoenberg GA) and Garth Knox (violist, Arditti Quartet) at the Institute for New Music at the Hochschule der Kuenste
Sept./Oct. (3) music departments at McGill University in Montréal (Canada) and the University of California, Berkeley (USA): two lectures (invited) Open Form and Structure in Song Books (J. Cage) and Glossolalie (D. Schnebel): Experimental Music Theatre reflecting cultural changes after World War II
1995 April (2) Folkwang Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Essen (Germany): a workshop in music analysis and a lecture (invited) Öffnung des Materials und anarchische Ordnung im experimentellen Musiktheater um 1960 – zu Song books (Cage) sowie glossolalie und Glossolalie 61 (Schnebel)
1993 Oct. (1) Freiburg (Germany): lecture (accepted) Die Analyse des "Phrase Rhythm" von W. Rothstein – ein amerikanisches Modell zum Verständnis tonaler Musik, International Musicol. Soc. conference “Musik als Text”